A friend at church kept encouraging me to stitch an Icon, however most of what I found I either didn't like the style of, involved sending a money order to Russia, or were photo conversions. I confess to being an art snob - at least with regards to this subject. One day I opened my favorite cross stitch magazine to see two new Icon kits by
Thea Gouverneur. The intricate stitching allowed for the original beauty of the historic Icons they were based on to shine through. I haven't been able to find the original source for the Theotokos, but the Pantocrator is based on the 'Christ the Savior and Life Giver' Icon written by Metropolitan Jovan-Zograph currently held in the museum of Skopje, Macedonia. (More info:

I researched hundreds of Theotokos Icons available on the net, yet never found anything similar to this one that would appear to be the source. I tried contacting the company multiple times, but all that got me was added to their monthly mailing list. I'm not sure if I will stitch this one as many key features have been damaged. I do not feel up to the task of trying a little 'art restoration' given the complexity of the coloring patterns. Since I have all the artistic skills of a stick figure cartoonist, stitching will likely be the only way I can bring my talents to bear on such a holy work. I only pray the end result will prove my meager skills up to the task. Nothing ventued, nothing gained as they say - so I ordered the Pantocrator and have been slowly working on it for the last 9 or 10 months.
Here are top and bottom of my work - almost done. The backgruond contains a lot of confetti stitching and I've often needed to take a break for a few weeks before having the energy to go back. I want the final design to fit in an 11x14 frame so I 'cut' some of the top, bottom, and sides to a managable number and now need to find a border pattern 19 high (-1/4cm for frame lip) that repeats at 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, or 54 pattern
Pantocrator Icon WIP 4/11
I like the pattern directions, they are clear and easy to read for something with over 70 colors. Threads are DMC but numbers are not provided. I was able to determine the numbers for most of them for my own reference. There is a lot of 'confetti' stitching, especially in the background, but the final effect makes it worth it. I hve discoverd that metallic cotton stranded thread is an abomination! After this project I intend to do everything within my power to never use it again.If you have a good 'braided' substitute I would suggest using it instead.
Kits are readily available at many online retailers. I bought mine through
Arts and Designs. Which seems to be the cheapest.
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